Monday, February 21, 2011

Mimi's Birthday Brunch

This past weekend was Mimi's birthday brunch and it was so much fun! We gave her a craft box that has her name on it and it was in this great big princess bag! Can you guess who picked it out?! We ate at the Village Tavern and although the food was fabulous, the service was NOT!

I love birthdays because I get to open most of the presents. George does not have much interest yet but I know it is just a matter of time so I better make the most of it!

There was so much stuff in the craft box! We REALLY wanted to play with it right then! I think that she really liked it! Things were really good but then the wheels came off! It took forever for us to get our food and George had had enough. In his defense, Mama and Daddy made the mistake of taking us to Krispy Kreme that morning for breakfast so we had a sugar crash. What were they thinking!

We tried everything but he just was not having it! Mama ended up taking him from the table and her and Omega walked him around outside! It is a wonder that that Omega did not decide to come early. Needless to say, she ended up getting her food to go so that she could actually enjoy it!

It was a good meal but should have only taken us about an hours instead of two! It was good to get together and celebrate Mimi! Next time, we will probably go somewhere else though if Us kiddos are going to come! :-) Happy Birthday to the best Mimi ever!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Merger of 2 equals...can it work?

So to start off this blog, I will tell you about our trip to the car wash! We have been through the car wash before but either George or I would not like it at all! That was until we heard the silly story about Daddy being scared in the car wash when he was little and then we now think the car wash is funny! When I tell the story though, you would think that Daddy would be scared now. Treat treats help too!

So for Valentine's Day, Nana and Papa came in town and we went over to Mimi and Grandpa's! We all went over there to give Mama and Daddy so time to move me in with Georgie so that Omega's room could be put up. It was so much fun and there was so much to do! Papa kept us entertained by reading to us and playing games!

He even did an arts and craft project with me. Who would have thought that Col Skinner would be decorating a piece of paper with pink foam stickers and in such a thoughtful arrangement. There are lots of things that he thought he wouldn't do...until I came along!

While there, I got to eat some red sprinkles! They were really yummy and turned my mouth all pink! Well, my mouth, tongue and chin! That is what we get as a reward over at M&Gs! It is perfect because they are small but they do the trick!

While we were over there, Mama, Daddy and Omega were hard at work combining our two rooms! When we got home, they had everything set up just perfect! They even had my name on the wall. They split the closet in half for the both of us and moved my princess bed in there. It actually looks cute in the blue room!

We were both so excited to be sharing a room and we celebrated it by jumping on the bed! It was all fun and games until I wanted George off of my bed and wanted my old room back. I think that I am just going to have to have some adjustment time. I was all about it until I saw what they had done to my old room. Hmmm, Omega, did you put them up to this?!

After we saw the new room, we went outside to see the new grill that Nana and Papa gave us! We are so excited because ours had just about had it! Grandpa hooked up the propane tank and I helped. George loves his new puppy from Nana too!

It was a really fun weekend and one of Mama's favorite pictures was this one of all of the boys! George is wearing his new favorite shirt, sitting in his 2nd favorite person's lap in front of his favorite person (he is obsessed with Daddy right now) and laughing at fish hands from Papa! Priceless!

Monday, January 17, 2011

After the holidays is not so's white!

So this year has been filled with snow and it has been so exciting! I know that people get blue after holidays but I, for one, was glad it was white! I have never seen it snow so much in my life! I have been having so much fun making mini snowmen on the back deck! That is the best place because the snow stays clean.

George is getting more accustomed to the snow and even though he does not really want to touch it, at least he will spend some time out in it! He has to wear his marshmallow man jacket though to keep him warm. We don't want any breathing issues this year! Thank goodness for Singulair.

This is my new Cabbage Patch doll! Nana and Papa gave it to me for Christmas and I love her! She goes everywhere with me so I took her to Mimi and Grandpas then next weekend to spend the night and I guess that Maggie got a little jealous so she thought that she would get a little snuggle it! She also took my lovey! Don't get too comfortable Maggie!

George loves to ride the rocking horse at over there! He can pretty much do everything himself now! So much different than just a couple of months ago! He is so much more coordinated than before! Way to go George! Then it was time to take down the Christmas tree and since I put all of the ornaments off, it was a good idea that I take them down. Mama took down our tree Christmas night so when we awoke, it was like it was all a dream only all of the toys stayed! She was glad to have our den back! It is small enough without the tree!

Then we played in Mimi and Grandpa's snow. George, of course, took his lovey with him. We had to sneak the lovey away later to get it in the wash. We call it operation clean lovey. Mommy and Daddy have to sneak in his room at night, wash it, dry it and return it before he wakes up!

I tried wearing gloves but they were a little big. Maybe next time I will get some gloves my own size. After being outside for a while, George even got his hands into it a bit. As you can see, he still has his red Keds. He won't wear anything else!After all of that playing, we worked up an appetite! Georgie worked up a big mess too! The spaghetti was so much fun to eat! I don't know if you can see her but Maggie is always below us so that she can catch all of our droppings! Gretch does the same thing!

Later that night, I read everyone books before bed and I do such a good job. I read like Miss Connie at school and really love the attention. I like to describe what I see on the page sometimes but other times I just say "and they say..." It was a really fun visit and Mama and Daddy had some time to themselves!
Yes, there is a potty on the front porch. It is from my birthday and has been out there for 2 months now. After this picture was taken, it promptly went to the garbage. You do not need to call the authorities! The next weekend, Mama was studying for the NCLEX and so Daddy, Mimi and Grandpa took us to the indoor amusement park called Tree Top. It was so much fun there! They had this really big jungle gym that had netting up so it was safe for us little ones!

George has fun riding the motorcycle! He is too little to really play the game but it was fun just the same! It even matched his clothes! Mama says that it is okay to like pretend motorcycles but not the real thing.

Then we played the stomp game, which was something fun for us to do together. We just laughed and laughed! Our laughs are really contagious! It was a really fun afternoon and a great place for us to have fun inside on such cold wet days!
The next day, Mama noticed that we were being really quiet and this is where she found us. One would think that we were just looking outside at the beautiful scenery but if one would think twice, one would know better!

We won some stamps at the Tree Top and I thought that George needed to have some all over his face and hands. I just thought that I needed them all over my hands and legs! Just a reminder to Mama and Daddy...a quiet child is either sleeping or causing a mess! Too funny!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Christmas night began with sprinkling Reindeer food on my front lawn this year! It had oats and sparkle so that they moon could reflect on it so that they could find my house! I was skeptical at first but it worked and I am so glad!

He was very good to us this year! He came to see George, Gretchen and me! I guess he knew that we had been very good this year! One of our favorite toys was the trampoline! It is buried underneath all of the other stuff! We didn't even realize what it was until everything was gone!

Our stockings were hung by the front door with care and St Nicholas definitely filled them to the brim! Mama and Daddy even had stuff in theirs! Next year, Omega will ave a stocking just like ours only his has a reindeer on it!

We waited for Mimi and Grandpa to get to our house. We woke up extra early so Daddy had to call them to let them know that we were ready to go! In the meantime, Nana and Papa helped keep us entertained!

When they arrived, we headed down the stairs and to our delight, we had toys galore! How that man makes it to so many houses, I will never know! George was so excited and played with one toy at a time!

One of his favorites was the one where you get to hammer the balls and they go back and forth! It was loud and it also involved a hammer! It was hours of fun to the point it was hard for us to get him focused on anything else!

Some of our presents were wrapped which made it extra fun! As you can see, George had no idea that he was sitting on our big gift! It was so silly!
Gretchen was so excited to open her stocking! She got to try out one of each one of her treats. Santa never forgets the D-O-Gs. She has been good this year so why should she get left out!

The whole morning was just fabulous and we could not have been happier! I wore my Christmas big girl pjs to make it even more festive!

Uncle David gave George and me a really cool guitar and we can play it really well! Who knows? I might even play like him one day. This one plays real songs with just a few buttons!

We have said it before but George is obsessed with non-toy, toys! He spent most of his time playing with the "glubs" that he took from school! They are some of his favorite things so I guess one day he will be a doctor one day! Go George! It was a wonderful morning full of fun, we ate breakfast, said our goodbyes to Nana and Papa and then went down for nap.

When we woke up, we went over the Mimi and Grandpa's for Christmas number three! When we walked in, we found that we got a brand new Thomas tent and we were so excited! We also had more pillow pets and so we put them inside for extra comfort!

I got a cleaning set, which is right up my alley! It has a broom, dust pan, vacuum and cart just my size! The vacuum even makes noise! It is so cool!

George and I have matching his and hers Christmas outfits! Mama loves it when we match! We had so much fun in the tent! It was like we were all by ourselves and it was big enough for us to have our own separate spaces if we wanted. George like to be right next to me though!

We got a rocker that is also a sea saw and it can be for one, two or three kiddos! Good thinking! One day, Omega will be in the middle! It will be like a Six Flags ride.

For the first time in forever, it actually snowed on Christmas day! After we opened all of our gifts and ate a good dinner, we went outside and made footprints all over the place! I loved it...George, not so much!

When we got home, I played some more on the deck and thought it was just great! Georgie was so tired from the day that he fell asleep on the way back. He and lubby.

This was just the best Christmas ever and it was even better because the whole family was together! Thank you Santa and to my whole family!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Short Blog about Skinner Christmas!

Well this year, we spent Skinner Christmas in LaGrange because Uncle Robert had to work. It was so much fun that we forgot to take pictures all weekend long! Seriously, we only took 2 pictures during the entire time there! Anyway, not only did we celebrate Christmas but Rob also got his new soccer uniform and it was so cool! He wore it all weekend! We also had fun playing with the new backpack sleeping bags that we gave Rob and Matthew. Betsy had the house decorated so nicely!

Uncle Robert thought that he should try out the new Wii Race Car that Nana and Papa gave Rob and Matthew. Silly Robert, you are just too big! We got so many gifts and it was mass chaos during the gift opening! From movies, to toys to dress up to bath toys you name and we probably got it! It was a wonderful weekend but I just wish that we had more pictures to remember it with! We learned our lesson!

We we got home, we hung one of our new bath toys from Nana and Papa and had a blast! It is great way to get us in the bath, but the only problem is that we did not want to get out! I love all of our new bath toys and Mama loves our little fannies! I know this was a short blog but I am sure that the next blog from Christmas will more that make up for it!

Friday, December 17, 2010

It's Christmas Time!

It's Christmas time again and you know how I know? Owen the Elf came to visit my house! I named him Owen because my best friend is Owen. It is also my Papa's name! Owen has done so many crazy things this season! He started off in the pantry holding my breakfast and I knew that we were going to be great friends! I am going to tell you stories of Owen throughout the blog. Holiday's are a great time to spend with family so I went to Mimi's office and there, they had Christmas Decorations for all of their patients. What a way to lift someones spirits! I was wearing my hair in pig tails that day. As for Owen, he brought my key board in my room and when I found him in the morning, he was sitting on top of it. I told Mama that I heard him playing in the middle of the night and that he woke me up! I really did!
Then it was time for my yearly decoration of my very own Christmas Tree at Mimi and Grandpa's and I did a fabulous job as usual. As for Owen, he snuck into my room, crawled on my bed and stole my lovey! When I woke up, he was up on my dresser and was wrapped up in it. I told Mama that I felt him crawling on me that night but that I didn't open my eyes so he wouldn't know I was awake!

I was so proud of my tree that I decorated all by myself! So was the kitty on my shirt! I love Christmas because everything is so pretty and Santa is keeping a close eye on how sweet I am all of the time! As for Owen, one night he snuck into George's room with our toothbrushes and toothpaste and a cup of water! I told Owen that we shouldn't share toothbrushes! I was a little jealous that he was in George's room.

That weekend, Miss Alice gave us tickets to the Civinette pancake breakfast! It was so much fun! There were lots of stations that we could go to and we were so glad to go. It was a lot colder that we thought it was going to be so Nana had to go back and get our coats. I was not happy about covering up my new outfit! Mama was Vice President of Civinettes a long time ago. As for Owen, one night he fixed himself a bowl of cereal and brought it up to my room. I told him that we weren't supposed to take food to our bedrooms!!

Santa was even there! I sat in his lap and told him that I wanted an orange recorder. That is the only things that I have asked for this year. George would not get near him. I think that he was traumatized by the Brookwood Santa experience. That picture is hysterical! As for Owen, he was there too in the top of the tent! I wonder how he came all the way from Birmingham!

After the pancake breakfast, George and I went back to the house and played with garbage sacks! I know that they are not the safest toy but they were watching us closely and it was so much fun! My parents have always said that they don't understand why they even buy us toys when we would rather play with the homemade ones! As for Owen, one night he snuck up on my dresser and put on my jewelry! He looked so dapper!

The next week, we had our Christmas party for ballet and all of our parents got to come watch what we have been doing all year. You can see my friends from left to right, Lucy, Hunter, Lily, me and Lexi! They are my besties! One night Owen put on my tap shoes and I told Mama that I heard him practicing in my room! He was so loud! I am not making it up!

We did dances to When you wish upon a star, Ghostbusters, Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh. It was really adorable and everyone was really impressed that we were able to follow our teachers so well. One night Owen brought a bunch of books into my room and made a huge pile on my chest of drawers. His favorite is Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day just like me!

Miss Yo Yo came and watched us too! She was so proud of us. I was jealous because hunter and Lexi snagged a prime spot in her lap. She loves all of us girls and we love her and her son, Jay.

After a little break, it was time to do a little tap for everyone. I know how to tap on my toes and up back step on a bug. My shoes hurt my feet though so I do not like to wear them for long.

Afterwards, we celebrated with an early Christmas Party with Capri Suns, chips and Cupcakes. I sat next to Lily and Lexi. I really wanted another cupcake and so did Lucy but Mama said that it would make our tummy hurt. What do Mama's know anyway!?

Then it was time for Mama's graduation and we were all so very proud of her. All of that hard work and sacrifice all paid off. George and I had to miss it because it was the same night as our Christmas program. Omega is there too and there is no hiding it anymore!

She is so glad to have that part of her life over with but is so thankful for all of the moral support she received during such a stressful time! No more school for a long time!

Christmas parties were the next day and were so much fun, as usual. All of my friends were there and we all sat at the same long table. I sat at the end. The food was great and the fun was even better.

I love to smile for the camera these days which makes for some great pictures. Looking at the lens is something that I am having to practice on because I always look to the side. Practice makes perfect though!
George on the other hand does not much care for the camera! He did love his party though. He is not much of a sweet eater but he loved the chips and the juice. You know, he is drinking from a big boy cup now and feels so big. He has just gotten a haircut and Papa loved the military look!

Price, George's best red-headed friend, loved the sweets though! He tore into some ice cream and loved every bite! George and "Pwice" love each other so much!

One thing you will find out about George is that he is a really slow eater. He likes to take his time like Mama. That is another one of his best friends, Weller. George says his Rs like ehs. So Weller is actually Welleh to George!

At the end of the party day, Owen and I played on the carpet and ran off a bunch of the sugar. He has been my best friend for as long as I can remember! I had such a great time during the getting ready for Christmas festivities that I can't even imagine what the real thing will be like! Everyone is just glad that we are all healthy and not in the hospital this year! That is a blessing!